!!! Liebster Award !!!

    Hi Pinks!

    I am so happy to write this post. I never thought I would write a post like this. I have been nominated for The LIEBSTER AWARD by darling Annie Omar. I really appreciate her generous heart for nominating me. As a new blogger I had no clue that people are liking my blog. This has boosted my confidence in blogging, more than anything. Thank you Annie :) 

    Annie Omar is a beautiful hearted women I came across in Twitter. She started her blog back in May 2015, You can find interesting variety of posts in her blog. She writes about life, love, makeup, clothing, etc. Reading her post is like speaking to your friend over a phone. I really loved the way she writes and her confidence. I can really feel her humbleness just by reading her posts. Please do visit her blog and enjoy it (click here)

    What exactly is the Liebster Blog Award?

    The Liebster Blog Award is given to new bloggers who have less than 1000 readers or 200 followers. “Liebster” is German for “Favourite”. This award is the “Favourite blog award”.  

    The Rules!

    If you have nominated for The Liebster Award 

    you choose to accept it, 

    write a blog post about the Liebster award in which you:

    1. Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog. Try to include a little promotion for the person who nominated you. They will thank you for it and those who you nominate will help you out as well.
    2. Display the award on your blog — by including it in your post and/or displaying it using a “widget” or a “gadget”. (Note that the best way to do this is to save the image to your own computer and then upload it to your blog post.)
    3. Nominate 5 to 11 blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have a less readers/followers.
    4. List these rules in your post (You can copy and paste from here.) 
    5. Answer the questions asked of you by the Blogger who gave you this award.
    6. Once you have written and published the post, inform the blogger that they have been nominated for the Liebster award and provide a link to your blog post. 

    My answers for Annie's questions.

    I really enjoyed writing these answers. It was like sharing things about me to a friend in her living room, with a cup of coffee.

    Four words to describe you.


      Who is your inspiration?

      This is one of the questions I ask myself a lot. I cannot name one person who inspires me. Every time I see a kind act, clean house, beautiful dress, a good Youtube video, a great blog post, pretty picture......anything good inspires me to do it in my own version. 

      At this moment if I need to name a person who inspired me recently, It will be Judy from ItsJudyLife and ItsJudyTime. I admire how she manages her time taking care of her family and at the same time doing what she loves.

        What song is stuck in your head at this very moment?

        I listen to a lot of Tamil (my native language) songs. Click the song to hear it. You will like it. 

          If you could talk with one person alive or not, who would it be and what would you discuss?

          Definitely my Granny (my dad's mom). She is the best person I have ever known on earth. Now she is in the heaven watching me live a happy life. 

          I would love to just sit next to her and listen to whatever she want to talk. But if I want to talk about something in particular, I will ask her why I was her priority even when she had lots of other important people in her life.

            What motivates you to blog?

            The notion to share my lifestyle, meet new people and make new friends motivates me to blog.

            In India I had a big circle of friends who always rings me or text me to get an opinion before buying any beauty or skincare products. Always asks for home remedies to fight beauty concerns. I enjoyed  answering them too.

            I moved to USA after my wedding almost two years back. Because of being a Home-Maker, I did not have much of opportunity to meet new people or make new friends. Hope I will make some soon. Because of the difference in almost everything its hard for my friends to reach me for everything but still they do ask me certain things. I want to share every useful thing I know with the world.

              How long does it usually take you to finish a blog post?

              I take about two to three days to complete a post. But being a new mommy it takes me forever to sit down to write a blog post. That is the reason I don't post often. But I am trying to figure out a schedule. Soon will start to post on regular time intervals. 

                Link your most favourite post you have written and tell us why is your favourite?

                This is my favourite blog post because this is my very first post apart from my haul post. I am very sure about the result of this DIY hair mask and I love it. Do try it and let me know if you like it too. 

                  If you were to name three goals for your blog to achieve this year, what would they be?

                  Keeping goals is the best thing to do when you want to work with focus. My three goals for my blog are,

                  1. I should post new topics every other day.
                  2. Gain 100 followers.
                  3. Collaborate with other bloggers.

                    What is the greatest achievement you have received as a blogger?

                    The happiness I felt when I found someone is following my blog is so far the greatest achievement. I have just started with blogging and I am looking forward for more achievements and happiness.

                      What three novels would you recommend to anyone because you could not put them down?

                      1. The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty
                      2. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
                      3. Brida by Paulo Coelho

                        What are you most looking forward to about this bright and shiny New Year 2016?

                        I am looking forward to be more happy by focusing on positives of my life in this beautiful 2016. 
                        Being happy makes everything better around us. It makes us more productive. It's very easy to make others happy when we are happy.

                        My questions to my beautiful nominees

                         1.Tell us something about you. So we can know you!

                         2. What is your blogging inspiration?

                         3. Where do you see your blog in 5 years?

                         4. Do you like collaborating with other bloggers? If so on what topics?

                         5. One place on earth you would love to visit before your turn 50?

                         6. One thing that makes you happy all the time? 

                         7. Your favourite skincare product? 

                         8. Your favourite makeup product?

                         9. Your favourite YouTuber?

                        10. Your favourite person?

                        My beautiful nominees are,


                             Laura Nolan     





                        I hope you liked my post and answering my questions. Wishing you a very best of luck in your blogging journey. Thank you so much dear Annie Omar for nominating me. You made my day.



                        1. I loved everything you wrote. You are a beautiful, kind soul. Always be like that sweetheart and I am really happy to meet you on this wonderful blogging journey. Stay happy beautiful ♡ x!

                        2. Awww thank you so much dear. I am equally happy to know you. :) x!

                        3. Great post lovely!
                          Thank you so much for nominating me and I will be sure to check out your future blog posts!
                          Claire Xxx


                          1. Thank you so much Claire 💗😋🎀

                        4. Congratulations! I am so happy I found your blog, awesome read :)

